JorisE / evil-mu4e

Evil keybindings for mu4e

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if I add this layer it kills dash

paynito opened this issue · comments

trying to defeat the
(Spacemacs) Warning: Auto-evilication could not remap these functions in map mu4e-headers-mode-map': - mu4e-headers-query-prev' originally mapped on'

I add this in the first main list of Melpa layers. Then make a private layer and copy the .el there, but it kills my dash, even with the line in user-config:

(with-eval-after-load 'org ' (setq org-ref-completion-library 'org-ref-ivy-cite);; ;; (require 'evil-mu4e)

evil-mu4e is not in use in the mu4e layer in spacemacs. There has been a PR open since february :) syl20bnr/spacemacs#5114.

It might work if you add it to `dotspacemacs-addititonal packages like:


I have been using evil-mu4e in the mu4e layer in spacemacs using this modification JorisE/spacemacs@1840e76 for a long time.

thank you, I had tried it under dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
I will move it to additional packages.

NP, closing this issue.