JorisE / evil-mu4e

Evil keybindings for mu4e

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Settle on keybindings

JorisE opened this issue · comments

The mu4e keybindings are well known by its users, so changing to much may make it harder to use than nessecary For now, only changes that are necessary to work with mu4e with evil-mode enabled are in evil-mu4e.
If anyone has ideas on other keybindings that make sense, I'd be happy to hear them.

On the issue of j vs J for jumping to maildir. My preference goes toward using J so that j is free for the movement we know and love from VIM.

When on a bookmark (or maildir, if you use maildir-extension), hitting enter will bring you to the expected location.

For me personally, I rarely if ever use the concept of maildirs since I use mu4e, so having the jump-to-maildir under a key without having to press <shift> is not really an issue for me.


How about (mu4e-headers-mark-for-flag) -> +?

Think it's the default.

@jojojames: Don't know where that went really. That could be added.


Sounds great.

How about this action:

g            go to (visit) numbered URL (using `browse-url')
(or: <mouse-1> or M-RET with point on url)

@liujoey mouse-1 works for me. Isn't that an Emacs default? The g would be helpful. Is that the mu4e default?

I found g in mu4e INFO page. So I assume it's the default. But now it was bound to gg by evil.

I imagine that gg makes sense to have in view mode. Do you have an idea for a sensible keybinding?

I think gg is less important in emails, if people are sending you emails long enough that you require jumping to the top I would have a serious word with them ;-).

I just noticed that g1 wasn't working to go to an URL and neither was hitting RET when the cursor was over it. I would be for overriding gg in favour of g, but maybe another keybinding could work as well.
What about gu for "go to url"?

I like @japhir's idea of keeping gg's evil keybinding (I do use it) and using gu for "go to url". In general, if evil conflicts with mu4e in view-mode, my preference is always to go with the evil keybinding and rebind the mu4e keybinding to some mnemonic like gu. My muscle memory is evil.

I think most of this is fixed by now.