JordanMarr / FSharp.SystemCommandLine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Passing multiple items to an Option

mrboring opened this issue · comments


I've been going through your examples and I'm having an issue with Creating a Root Command Parser. It works with multiple -w. Example:

dotnet run -- -w "aaa" -w "bbb" -w "ccc" -s "#"

How can I get it to work passing multiple values to a single -w? Example:

dotnet run -- -w "aaa" "bbb" "ccc" -s "#"

I did some searching and found Option.AllowMultipleArguments, but could not get it to work.

I think I've found the solution by reading further through your examples. It was in Defining Inputs Manually

By using System.CommandLine.Option I was able to add opt.AllowMultipleArgumentsPerToken <- true and this worked.

Glad you found a solution. 👍