JoranHonig / vertigo

Mutation Testing for Ethereum Smart Contracts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


JoranHonig opened this issue · comments

Currently vertigo leverages a range of command line parameters to configure mutation testing runs.
With a decently sized projects one might end up using +10 command line parameters, which is-- not ideal.

To solve this vertigo should be extended with the ability to use configuration files.

Example of what this could look like:

vertigo run -c vertigo.yml

Example configuration:

    - development 1

Joran - Thanks for tagging this with the Hacktoberfest label. I'm going to start work on this one.

work plans:
fork the repo
look at how configurations currently work in vertigo
look for existing implementations of configuration yamls in python (or libraries which make this easy)
implement config ymls and tests

@jaymcgrath That's super awesome!
Let me know if you have any questions.

You bet! I'm going to be opening a draft PR soon to track this work, and probably digging into it formally this weekend.

I've opened a few minor PRs with things I encountered when getting set up. I've been researching ways to implement this, and this click-config library looks promising, although a little outdated:

click-config seems like an in maintained small project. I’d prefer to not add a dependency to their project here 😅

Maybe manually loading yaml and populate unset variables is the way to go here

I see some work had begun on this issue but doesn't seem to have been merged in. Would it be inappropriate to throw my hat into this ring? @JoranHonig,