JonnyBGod / ngx-scrollspy

Angular ScrollSpy Service

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Angular6 ngrx6 rxjs6 compatability issues

sssalib42 opened this issue · comments

After upgrading to rxjs 6, I can't finish my upgrade process, specifically the very last step, which is to remove the rxjs-compat library, because ngrx-scrollspy is still using rxjs5 syntax.

Here is a github issue, explaining the problem I'm facing because ngrx-scrollspy isn't up to date:

Here is a useful page including the rxjs 6 upgrade instruction:

Hi guys, it has been a month so far. Will someone be looking into this soon? Please let us know.

Will someone approve my PR and complete it if I do the work? Do I need special authorization privileges to create the PR?

I want to create a PR to upgrade the repository myself to using rxjs6 as I have it done it once for our team's code base following the migration documentation:


I have the code ready to create a PR. It's about time before it gets reviewed and committed. Thanks.

where is the PR?

I need commit privileges. Sent you a direct email.

Usualy you would fork the repo and then create a PR.

But ill give you access to the main repo.

PR is ready:
Thanks @JonnyBGod

Thank you for your contribution.