JohnEskimSmith / site-monitor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This solution allows you to monitor website accessibility and store metrics in database


The project consists of two services:

  • Producer. Sends HTTP requests to website(s) with some interval and pushes metrics like response time and status code to Kafka topics
  • Consumer. Listens to Kafka topics and stores received data in Postgres tables

Project uses pipenv for dependency management. This allows having separate package lists for development and deploy. Project dependencies can be installed with the following commands:

pip3 install pipenv
pipenv install  # --dev to also install development packages


There are three variants available, all use docker-compose with local docker installation and have configs and simple scripts in deploy directory. Services use environment variables for configuration, they should be set in .env file in corresponding directory.

Here is the list of all used variables with example values:

POSTGRES_USER=monitoring # required for postgres container initialization
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret # required for postgres container initialization
POSTGRES_DSN=postgres://monitoring:secret@postgres:5432/postgres  # required to connect to postgres from worker

KAFKA_TOPIC_SUCCESS=checks-success  # name of topic with metrics
KAFKA_TOPIC_FAILURE=checks-failure  # name of topic with error

# for local deployments, do not set these variables
# for prod deployment, create directory "certificates/kafka" in project root and put certificate files there

COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=local  # better have unique project names for all deploys

Local deploy

Will deploy both workers, kafka and postgres within one network. Set up deploy/local/.env file (or leave as is) and run following command in project root:

bash deploy/local/

To clean up containers, run

bash deploy/local/

Test deploy

Will spin up kafka and postgres and run integration tests with pytest. One of the tests will require internet connection.

Set up deploy/test/.env file (or leave as is) and run following command in project root:

bash deploy/test/

This script will clean up containers after run.

Prod deploy

This deployment will run only producer and consumer in a local docker and connect to cloud postgres and kafka. Kafka topics are expected to exist, postgres relations will be created in default schema.

This configuration uses SSL kafka authentication. In project root create certificates directory as following:

├── certificates
│   ├── kafka
│   │   ├── ca.pem
│   │   ├── service.cert
│   │   └── service.key

Set up your .env file (don't forget to add variables with cert paths) in deploy/prod and run following command in project root:

bash deploy/prod/

To clean up containers, run

bash deploy/prod/

Implementation details

Both services use the same concepts under hood:

  • Workers are responsible for task processing. There are three kinds of workers present: AsyncSitePoller, KafkaPublisher and DbWriter.
  • TaskProviders are responsible for sending tasks to first workers. Examples of providers in projects are QueueTaskProvider and KafkaTaskProvider.
  • Composer creates a pipeline with task provider, processing and [optional] publishing workers and starts this pipeline in background tasks. asyncio queues are used for messaging between workers.
  • Scheduler is responsible for running periodic code.

When each service starts, main function resolves necessary dependencies, sends them to Composer instance and waits indefinitely.

Producer workflow:

Scheduler -> QueueTaskProvider -> AsyncSitePoller -> KafkaPublisher -> [Kafka]

Consumer workflow:

[Kafka] -> KafkaTaskProvider -> DbWriter -> [Postgres]


Producer can be started with one site to watch with command like following:

python --mode=producer --url= --seconds=30 --pattern="Yes"

Or with multiple target sites with config file (see example file in configs):

python --mode=producer --targets-file=/var/configs/sites.yaml

Unit tests can be launched with the following command:

pytest src/tests -m "not integration"

This command will exclude integration tests, which require database and working internet connection.



Language:Python 80.8%Language:Shell 17.8%Language:Dockerfile 1.4%