John-Titor / py68k

M68K emulator based on Musashi, with a Python device model

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Simulating Tiny68k

krzyklo opened this issue · comments


Bill Shen's Tiny68k is a 68000 board with 16M of RAM and a 68681:

Fetch the Tiny68K monitor / debugger image and CF CP/M image and run:

./ --target tiny68k --diskfile **t68k_cpm_disk.bin** --eeprom T68kbug_r07.BIN

Dear John,
I have problem with finding t68k_cpm_disk.bin file under link to Retrobrew, T68kbug_r07.BIN was easier to find.

Tried to download this RAM image:
Downloaded it to targets folder.
Then converted it to bin using bincopy (
bincopy convert -i srec targets/T68KRAM.S68 -o binary targets/T68KRAM.bin

Run console: --console-server
./ --target tiny68k --diskfile targets/T68KRAM.bin --eeprom targets/T68kbug_r07.BIN

I got rombug prompt:
12/19/17 v0.7, type "he" for help


Though when typed bo, as is suggested on

Load CP/M-68K distribution files into RAMdrive

Cycle power or press the reset button. Upload the RAMdisk image 't68kram.s68 '. This will take 30 minutes to complete. t68kram.s68 contains the files from CP/M-68K ver 1.3 distribution disks plus microEMACS, gkermit, and BASIC executables. All executables are in relocatable format and will be converted to .68K executable format.

12/19/17 v0.7, type "he" for help

Copying CP/M 68K from Compact Flash...
no valid CP/M code, command cancelled`

Would appreciate suggestion, where to get proper binary image file.
Thank you for making py68k!

In installation dependencies this page was helpful:

It seems, one need to enter musahi folder, and type make to compile it.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. It may be possible to reproduce Bill's instructions for creating the CP/M disk image using cpmtools, I might look into this as an alternative.