JohansenJunias20 / trying-webgl

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WEBGL from Scratch using TypeScript


1. render a triangle ✔️
2. render a cube ✔️
3. render a cube with texture ✔️
4. render .obj file ✔️
5. render .obj file with texture ✔️
6. camera ✔️
    a. make camera class ✔️
    b. camera position
    c. camera rotation ✔️
7. directional lighting
    a. ambient
    b. diffuse
    c. specular
8. point lighting
    a. ambient
    b. diffuse
    c. specular
9.  multiple lights
    a. point lights
    b. directional + point lights
10. shadows
    a. directional lights
    b. point lights
11. gamma correction
12. parallax mapping

dependencies that i use:

@types/webgl2 webgl2 for typescript. math gl math for webgl (matrix4, vector3, etc). ts-loader webpack helper to compile TypeScript. typescript languange programming. webpack compiler and packer to 1 large file Javascript. webpack-cli cli of webpack. jest for unit testing @types/jest jest in typescript

check it out here



Language:TypeScript 90.6%Language:JavaScript 4.0%Language:GLSL 3.9%Language:HTML 1.5%