JoelBesada / pasteboard

Clipboard and drag & drop image sharing web app

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Dev Checkout /upload 500 error

MichaelJAndy opened this issue · comments

Installed pasteboard, switched to the dev checkout, with logging on after starting the server, and trying to upload a file, I'm getting a 500 error on the /upload directory which does not exist.

I went ahead and created an upload directory and still no luck :(

# ./run_local
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/amazon.js
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/google_analytics.js
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/hashing.js
Express server listening on port 4000
GET / 200 664ms - 2.86kb
GET /js/head/modernizr.min.js 200 2ms - 5.42kb
GET /css/main.css 200 1ms - 6.27kb
GET /js/head/prefixfree.min.js 200 0ms - 2.45kb
GET /js/head.js 200 1ms - 32b
GET /js/lib/jquery.min.js 200 0ms - 32.32kb
GET /js/lib/jquery.transit.min.js 200 0ms - 2.19kb
GET /js/common.js 200 0ms - 469b
GET /js/lib/canvas-to-blob.min.js 200 1ms - 532b
GET /js/lib/spin.min.js 200 0ms - 2.01kb
GET /js/modules/moduleloader.js 200 1ms - 326b
GET /js/modules/analytics.js 200 0ms - 944b
GET /css/main.css 304 1ms
GET /images/bg.png 200 6ms - 25.27kb
GET /js/modules/appflow.js 200 0ms - 2.22kb
GET /js/modules/copyandpaste.js 200 1ms - 923b
GET /js/modules/draganddrop.js 200 1ms - 973b
GET /js/modules/extensionhandler.js 200 0ms - 282b
GET /images/splash-image.png 200 2ms - 5.68kb
GET /images/splash-image-shine.png 200 1ms - 16.89kb
GET /images/chrome-icon.png 200 2ms - 2.94kb
GET /js/modules/filehandler.js 200 0ms - 1.85kb
GET /js/modules/imageeditor.js 200 1ms - 3.66kb
GET /js/modules/modalwindow.js 200 0ms - 870b
GET /js/modules/socketconnection.js 200 1ms - 461b
GET /js/modules/template.js 200 1ms - 734b
GET /js/modules/webcam.js 200 0ms - 1021b
GET /images/about-icon.png 200 1ms - 2.19kb
GET /js/main.js 200 1ms - 572b
GET /jstemplates/modalwindow.tmpl 200 2ms - 1.48kb
GET /jstemplates/about.tmpl 200 2ms - 1.58kb
GET /jstemplates/webcamwindow.tmpl 200 2ms - 180b
GET /images/webcam-icon.png 200 3ms - 2.98kb
GET /jstemplates/imageeditor.tmpl 200 2ms - 784b
POST /preupload 200 10ms - 13b
GET /images/image-bg.gif 200 4ms - 1.11kb
GET /images/delete-icon.png 200 3ms - 1.84kb

POST /upload 500 15ms - 21b
GET /images/modal-bg.png 200 1ms - 6.15kb

@beatbreaker82 Thanks for reporting this. When not using S3 for the images, the server tries to put them into the public/storage directory. I added the folder to the repo, so everything should work now.

Thanks @JoelBesada, I did a git pull, though I'm still getting the 500 error:

POST /upload 500 14ms - 21b
GET /images/modal-bg.png 304 2ms

I should have mentioned before I also tried adding the public/storage directory with no luck either:

# ls -la public/
total 20
drwxrwxrwx  5 http http 4096 Aug 18 04:33 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 http http 4096 Aug 19 00:32 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 http http 4096 Aug 14 00:06 images
drwxr-xr-x  2 http http 4096 Aug 14 00:06 jstemplates
drwxrwxrwx  2 http http 4096 Aug 19 00:31 storage

I've temporarily given full permissions to the public and storage directories to ensure that permission problems aren't the cause.

@beatbreaker82 Hmm, I added some lines to log any error that might occur during upload. Could you pull the dev branch again and paste the terminal output?

Thanks @JoelBesada!

Here ya go - some problem with renaming the tmp file? It exists after checking for it.

li382-54 # git pull
remote: Counting objects: 7, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1/1), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3)
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
   8b83570..7a95961  dev        -> origin/dev
Updating 8b83570..7a95961
 controllers/ | 14 +++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
li382-54 # ps -ef | grep pasteboard
root     12305 12263  0 05:26 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --colour=auto pasteboard
li382-54 # ./run_local
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/amazon.js
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/google_analytics.js
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/hashing.js
Express server listening on port 4000
GET / 304 925ms
GET /css/main.css 200 3ms - 6.27kb
GET /js/head/modernizr.min.js 200 2ms - 5.42kb
GET /js/head.js 200 0ms - 32b
GET /js/head/prefixfree.min.js 200 0ms - 2.45kb
GET /js/lib/jquery.min.js 200 0ms - 32.32kb
GET /js/lib/jquery.transit.min.js 200 0ms - 2.19kb
GET /js/common.js 200 1ms - 469b
GET /js/lib/canvas-to-blob.min.js 200 11ms - 532b
GET /js/lib/spin.min.js 200 1ms - 2.01kb
GET /js/modules/moduleloader.js 200 0ms - 326b
GET /js/modules/analytics.js 200 0ms - 944b
GET /js/modules/appflow.js 200 0ms - 2.22kb
GET /css/main.css 304 1ms
GET /js/modules/extensionhandler.js 200 1ms - 282b
GET /js/modules/copyandpaste.js 200 1ms - 923b
GET /js/modules/draganddrop.js 200 0ms - 973b
GET /images/bg.png 304 3ms
GET /images/splash-image.png 304 2ms
GET /images/splash-image-shine.png 304 1ms
GET /images/about-icon.png 304 1ms
GET /images/chrome-icon.png 304 1ms
GET /js/modules/imageeditor.js 200 1ms - 3.66kb
GET /js/modules/filehandler.js 200 0ms - 1.85kb
GET /js/modules/modalwindow.js 200 0ms - 870b
GET /js/modules/socketconnection.js 200 2ms - 461b
GET /js/modules/webcam.js 200 1ms - 1021b
GET /js/modules/template.js 200 0ms - 734b
GET /js/main.js 200 1ms - 572b
GET /jstemplates/modalwindow.tmpl 304 2ms
GET /jstemplates/webcamwindow.tmpl 304 1ms
GET /jstemplates/about.tmpl 304 2ms
GET /images/webcam-icon.png 304 1ms
GET /jstemplates/imageeditor.tmpl 304 1ms
POST /preupload 200 10ms - 13b
GET /images/image-bg.gif 304 1ms
GET /images/delete-icon.png 304 2ms
{ [Error: EXDEV, rename '/tmp/a9caafe395349a0f07c119bdf84d3e75']
  errno: 52,
  code: 'EXDEV',
  path: '/tmp/a9caafe395349a0f07c119bdf84d3e75' }
POST /upload 500 17ms - 21b
GET /images/modal-bg.png 304 5ms
li382-54 # ls -la /tmp/a9caafe395349a0f07c119bdf84d3e75
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1945 Aug 20 05:26 /tmp/a9caafe395349a0f07c119bdf84d3e75

@beatbreaker82 From what I can gather by some searching, the EXDEV error occurs when fs.rename tries to rename a file on a different device. Are your /tmp/ and the pasteboard app folder on two different disks?

@JoelBesada yep they sure are on different filesystems (I'd add that it's pretty common to have the /tmp / and /home dirs all on different mounts on most Linux systems - if not it's encouraged.)

hostname@li382-xx ~ $ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        24G  2.1G   21G  10% /
devtmpfs        493M     0  493M   0% /dev
tmpfs           494M     0  494M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           494M  1.4M  493M   1% /run
tmpfs           494M     0  494M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           494M  1.6M  493M   1% /tmp

As a workaround I'd imagine there'd be a way for me to just tell the code that my /tmp directory is just somewhere else?

@beatbreaker82 Hey, sorry for disappearing for a couple of days. I've updated the code to use to move the file, which should work cross-device. Could you pull the latest commit on dev, run npm install, and let me know if it works now?

Thanks @JoelBesada, yes that's gotten me over the line, now I'm stuck elsewhere.

I can now attach the file through drag and drop, then it'll come back with the URL, when I use that URL I get stuck on a page that either gets stuck on the loading bar, or says the the image dosen't exist. Below are the debug logs: I double checked and the image does exist on the file system in the /public/storage folder and they look fine.

GET /29w4kJFF.png 304 88ms
GET /css/image.css 304 2ms
GET /js/head/modernizr.min.js 200 1ms - 5.42kb
GET /js/head/prefixfree.min.js 200 0ms - 2.45kb
GET /js/head.js 200 1ms - 32b
GET /js/lib/jquery.transit.min.js 200 0ms - 2.19kb
GET /js/lib/jquery.min.js 200 1ms - 32.32kb
GET /js/common.js 200 1ms - 469b
GET /js/lib/spin.min.js 200 0ms - 2.01kb
GET /js/modules/template.js 200 0ms - 734b
GET /js/modules/analytics.js 200 0ms - 944b
GET /js/modules/moduleloader.js 200 0ms - 326b
GET /js/modules/modalwindow.js 200 0ms - 870b
GET /images/bg.png 304 0ms
GET /images/twitter-icon.png 304 2ms
GET /images/facebook-icon.png 304 2ms
GET /css/image.css 304 0ms
GET /js/image.js 200 0ms - 1.58kb
GET /images/29w4kJFF.png/shorturl 500 0ms - 31b
GET /jstemplates/modalwindow.tmpl 304 0ms
[Error: Missing Google Analytics Credentials]

li382-54 storage # ls 29w4kJFF.png

I can't seem to reproduce this, do you have any more details? Does your browser console throw any errors?