Jobenland / CSV-Graph-Generator

CSV Graph Generator

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CSV Data Grapher

Video Example:

This program generates graphs from a given CSV file and allows the user to generate a User friendly graph

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Programs and other things needed to run this program

Python 3.x


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

pip install tkinter (not right name) coming soon
pip install pandas 
pip install PySimpleGUI
pip install bokeh
pip install np

(optional) not needed

import tkinter
import pandas
import PySimpleGUI
import bokeh

Running the tests

Video Example:

To ensure that all modules are loaded and everything is working. Launch the program and attempt to load a CVS into the program, If the data from the CVS is displayed then Graph Generator is working

Check the screenshots for examples of what the program is supposed to look like


The best way to deploy this software for use in lab is to run locally either through command prompt or a Python Interpreter of your own

Built With

  • Pandas - Used to edit and read CSV's
  • PySimpleGUI - Used to create a GUI more efficiently
  • TKinter - Used as backend GUI framework and support
  • Bokeh - Used as plotting software for the plot function
  • NP - Help with scientific calculations


If any Enhancements, Features or Problems arrise, Please submit a request on github


No versioning control has been set up yet but I am working on having this work in the Future



This project is licensed under the GPL License

Working Example
