JoaoLopesF / RemoteDebug

Library for Arduino to debug projects over WiFi, with web app or telnet, with print commands like Serial Monitor

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Websockets library error and Ethernet access

MassiPi opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

  • with recent ESP8266 cores, the embedded websockets library gives error compiling. The library should be updated
  • with 3.0.0 esp8266 core, and new embedded ethernet functionalities, RemoteDebug is not working (no telnet connection can be made)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. build a project with 3.0.0 esp8266 core to get the websockets error a project with 3.0.0 esp8266 and W5500 ethernet shield. no connection can be made

Expected behavior

  • the library should build also with new core versions
  • the library should work also over ethernet

Arduino Information:

  • OS: Windows
  • IDE Platformio
  • Board ESP8266 with 3.0.0 core

Is this the websockets error you are referring to? I'm unable to build on the d1 mini and want to confirm if it's similar.

C:\Users\zacau\Documents\Arduino\libraries\RemoteDebug\src\utility\WebSocketsClient.cpp: In member function 'void WebSocketsClient::connectedCb()':
C:\Users\zacau\Documents\Arduino\libraries\RemoteDebug\src\utility\WebSocketsClient.cpp:704:26: error: 'class BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure' has no member named 'verify'
  704 |         if(!_client.ssl->verify(_fingerprint.c_str(), _host.c_str())) {
|                          ^~~~~~```

Related to #78 

yes, it is.
It's due to the fact that remotedebug contains also an old version of the webockets library.
In my case, i do not use RD over websockets so i just commented out that part and disabled websockets, but i assume this is a design error to include an external library in this way.
If you use websockets with RD, i think there is a way to use the updated websockets library, included externally (something like "use external websockets" in remotedebug.h, i can't check now)

Btw, it seems RD works correctly also with the new ethernet lwip library, very good!