JoaoLopesF / RemoteDebug

Library for Arduino to debug projects over WiFi, with web app or telnet, with print commands like Serial Monitor

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Can't compile sample for ESP32

EvertDekker opened this issue · comments

Can't compile sample for ESP32, will give the following error:
C:\Users\Evert\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESP8266-RemoteDebug-Telnet-master\Samples\RemoteDebug_Basic\RemoteDebug_Basic.ino:23:71: fatal error: ESP8266WiFi.h: No such file or directory

Don't get it wifi is working fine with mqtt and webserver.

ESP8266WiFi is just for ESP8266. You should change to a ESP32-compatible WiFi client.

Hi, sorry to delay time of this response

Same code is for ESP32 and ESP8266, so I use precompiler directives
Please you use that IDE ?




I have changed somethings in RemoteDebug.cpp

#ifdef ESP32
  #include <WiFi.h>
 #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>          
// Reset
        #ifdef ESP32

Now it works.
Sorry, i'm not that good with Git else I had forked the solution.

I'm using
Arduino Ide 1.8.5 with Esp8266 v2.3.0 and Esp32 V1.0

Btw, thanks for your great library

Hi @EvertDekker

I have include precompiler stuff for both ESP32 and ESP8266 since 1.1.0

I use sloeber (eclipse for Arduino) for Esp32 and having not errors
But now I revised the includes for Esp32 and tested in Arduino IDE too.
Please download the 1.3.0 version

About second sugesttion: For me ESP.restart is good for both MCU
Why I use reset for ESP8266 ?




ESP.reset is what you used in your file.
To not break existing code I added the pre-compile directives.

ESP.restart works indeed on both cpu and ESP.reset only on the ESP8266
But it's not the same:

ESP.reset() is a hard reset and can leave some of the registers in the old state which can lead to problems, its more or less like the reset button on the PC.
ESP.restart() tells the SDK to reboot, so its a more clean reboot, use this one if possible.

However, ESP.restart() is the best and will do fine for both.

I will try the 1.3.0 version, thanks