JingyunLiang / SwinIR

SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer (official repository)

Home Page:https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10257

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


nullxjx opened this issue · comments


作者你好,最近我基于你的代码改了一些版本,发现一开始效果比你的好,但是后面就无法继续上升了,我觉得可能是因为训练设置的问题,毕竟很多人都说vision transformer对训练策略很敏感。

Swin Transformer用的优化器是adamw,为什么这里用的是adam?Swin Transformer LR_SCHEDULER用的是cosine,为什么这里改成了MultiStepLR?还有这里的milestones是你们自己调出来的吗,设置为[250000,400000,450000,475000,500000]有什么原因吗?还有为什么不用G_optimizer_clipgrad?G_optimizer_wd为什么设为0?



In my experiments,
1, Adam is slightly better than Adam
2, MultiStepLR is slightly better than cosine
3, Milestones are chosen by design. We reduce the iteration by half every time when the lr is reduced.
4, G_optimizer_clipgrad is not tested, but I think it has no much impact.
5, G_optimizer_wd is not tested.
6, I use 800 DIV2K images. How large is your gap in your training?


Set5 Set14 B100结果跟你们一样,Urban100我们复现过两次,结果分别是33.34、33.24,你的论文中是33.40;Manga109两次结果分别是39.51、39.49,你的论文中是39.60。

I have no idea why your model performs worse on Urban100 and Manga109. You can also refer to here for a third-party unofficial implementation.
