JimmXinu / FanFicFare

FanFicFare is a tool for making eBooks from stories on fanfiction and other web sites.

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browser cache path for fanfiction.net doesn't work

PHBN1964 opened this issue · comments

i followed the instructions for browser cache path for fanfiction.net but it still doesn't resolve the error 403, and even the use of proxies does not work. hat can i do to resolve this problem

This has been reported many times, most recently in #1036 #1047

ffnet has been using a heightened state of Cloudflare 'protection' for years now. Support for it is now 'limited'.

Pretty much everything I know that can help is documented in the wiki pages:

You could also search the FanFicFare maillist and the Calibre plugin thread for past discussions.

It's been working for me. I'm on ver 4.20.0 of FFF and 6.14.1 (portable) of Calibre, in case that matters. Make sure you have this line included in your personal.ini, in the [defaults] section:


No,unfortunately. I remembering looking for a way to do that when implementing open_pages_in_browser.

I'm honestly a little bit surprised any and all apps are still allowed to open URLs like this. Convenience and functionality won out over security in this case.

It's been working for me. I'm on ver 4.20.0 of FFF and 6.14.1 (portable) of Calibre, in case that matters. Make sure you have this line included in your personal.ini, in the [defaults] section:


it worked, thanks
but when i update a epub it give errors even if i go to the first and last chapter of the fanfic, having to go to all new chapters for it to work fine

is there something i'm doing wrong

No,unfortunately. I remembering looking for a way to do that when implementing open_pages_in_browser.

I'm honestly a little bit surprised any and all apps are still allowed to open URLs like this. Convenience and functionality won out over security in this case.

Any way to make it not grab focus when it opens the URLs? I can close the tabs when done, but the focus-grabbing is inconvenient.

I could not find one. I would be interested if someone else could--but only if it a) works on Windows, Mac and Linux, b) still works in Calibre 2.48 (on python2), and c) doesn't add large additional dependencies that need to be bundled.

I suggest looking at this section about WebToEpub if open_pages_in_browser is too onerous.

Honestly, if it was any smaller fanfic site, I never would have bothered with browser cache and just dropped the site.

I suggest looking at this section about WebToEpub if open_pages_in_browser is too onerous.

I do remember using WebToEpub before the open_pages_in_browser was developed, and found opening in browser to be much preferable, even with the focus issue. I should add that I'm just happy that it continues working despite FFnet's doing its best to make life difficult.

Often, I just go away from the computer for several minutes (to minimize having to deal with focus being grabbed) while FFF does its thing. It's a small inconvenience compared to what I'd need to do otherwise.