JieHe96 / iOS_Tensorflow_ObjectDetection_Example

An iOS application of Tensorflow Object Detection with different models: SSD with Mobilenet, SSD with InceptionV2, Faster-RCNN-resnet101

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Ran into an issue with protobuf

tgwagner opened this issue · comments

I receive the following error in "within string_int_label_map.pb.h" when I run the project in xcode on my macOS.

"This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update your headers."

How can I regenerate this file or point to a different location in xcode?


This is a duplicate to this ticket:

I explain my solution there which is available in a PR.
You can just grab my branch if you want a working version right now! 👍
Hope that helps! :)