JiaRenChang / RealtimeStereo

Attention-Aware Feature Aggregation for Real-time Stereo Matching on Edge Devices (ACCV, 2020)

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About finetune.py

heguohao0728 opened this issue · comments

Hello, Great work!
I want to train my own module but I met some problems. Could you please give me some advice. Really appreciated.
In RTS, the finetune.py is same as PSM-Net, and it will encounter so problem.

if args.model == 'stackhourglass':
model = stackhourglass(args.maxdisp)
elif args.model == 'basic':
model = basic(args.maxdisp)
print('no model')

if I use arg.model = RTS..or something, it will report a bug.
and in submodule.py:

class disparityregression(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, maxdisp):
super(disparityregression, self).__init__()
self.disp = torch.Tensor(np.reshape(np.array(range(maxdisp +1)), [1, maxdisp+1, 1, 1])).cuda()

this part is different from PSM-Net, and it will enconter a size bug.
How can I do with these problems?

What's more.
In submodule.py, if I change the above maxdisp + 1 to maxdisp and avoid the problem, it still have some issue:
class disparityregression(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, maxdisp):
super(disparityregression, self).__init__()
self.disp = torch.Tensor(np.reshape(np.array(range(maxdisp)), [1, maxdisp, 1, 1])).cuda()

def forward(self, x):
out = torch.sum(x * self.disp.data,2, keepdim=True)
return out
In the forward function, the "2" must be "1", or the output will have a size problem.

When I do my change work above, the finetune.py can run correctly,
but it seems the finetune.py do not use any code in the RT_Stereo.py,
and it might still be PSM-Net not RTS.
It seems that the model generation model = stackhourglass(args.maxdisp) is not correct,
I change to model = RTStereoNet(args.maxdisp), and it worked.
Is it right?

When I use the pretrained model in the test_img.py, the pretrained model have a probelm.
In the ordereddict state_dict, every key seems do not have the header module., and cannot be load with load_state_dict method.
Could you please give some advice about this? or specify how to use pretrained model? or update the finetune.py and test_img.py?
Really Appreciated!

@heguohao0728 were you able to run inference on this one with the weights provided ?

@heguohao0728 @Abhishekvats1997

The header "module" is indicated that the model is trained using nn.DataParallel().
If You do not use the nn.DataParallel(), loading the pretrained weight without this.
I will modify it as soon as possible.

Thank you so much!
But I found that the weight and the sequence in pre-trained model is not the same as the model that is defined in code.
For example, the pre-trained model has "stage4" but the model defined in code have "attention" instead.
What's the difference?


I modify all of them.
You would load pretrained model without conflicts now.
Let me know if it has problems.

Thank you so much! I'v tried, but my result seems not good enough:
Is it right? or I am not using the pretrained model correctly?
Besides, I notice that the attention module in RTS is deleted and replaced by stage4. Is the stage4 means attention module?

Hi, I think it right.
The proposed method has around 7% 3px error on KITTI dataset, but it runs real-time on TX2.
If you want accurate disparity map instead of inference speed, you can try PSMNet.
Yep, the stage4 means that the attention module.

That help a lot! Really appreciated for your reply!