JetBrains / teamcity-dotnet-plugin

TeamCity plugin for .NET projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Plugin options are honoured even when not shown in the config UI

davestephens opened this issue · comments

When switching through different dotnet cli comands, ie build, restore, clean, the available UI options change accordingly.

However, options that aren't shown for a specific command are still honoured by TeamCity.

To reproduce:

  • Select build, then enter src as your Working Directory
  • Select restore, and the Working Directory box will disappear
  • Save the config
  • Run a build, and observe that the Working Directory for the dotnet restore step is src despite not being shown in the build step configuration UI.

Running on TeamCity Enterprise 2018.1 (build 58245) on Windows 2012.

@davestephens, thanks for reporting. The similar issue was created in the TeamCity tracker: