JetBrains / intellij-ui-test-robot

The library allows you to write and execute UI tests among IntelliJ IDEA. You can test your Plugin.

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the browser cannot access

tangculiji0612 opened this issue · comments

Upgrade Intellij Idea from 2021.3.3 to 2022.2.3. Run the./gradlew ui-test-example:runIdeForUiTests command to bring up the Welcome to Intellij IDEA interface. However, the browser cannot access netstat -nlp | grep 8082 command did not query to the process, using the JDK and JBR version is 17, configuration:
systemProperty "robot-server.port", "8082"
systemProperty "", "false"
systemProperty "jb.privacy.policy.text", ""
systemProperty "jb.consents.confirmation.enabled", "false"

Hi, could you please clarify the version of remote-robot-server plugin, you can check it in Settings -> Plugins in idea which was lanched with runIdeForUiTests.

here is the configuration:
def remoteRobotVersion = "0.11.3"
dependencies {
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.7.0'
testImplementation 'com.intellij.remoterobot:remote-robot:' + remoteRobotVersion
testImplementation 'com.intellij.remoterobot:remote-fixtures:' + remoteRobotVersion
The old version is 0.11.3. And I tried 0.11.16 and 0.11.17.

can you try to set last robot-server version by configuring downloadRobotServer task?

downloadRobotServerPlugin  {
