Jesway / flutter_translate

Flutter Translate is a fully featured localization / internationalization (i18n) library for Flutter.

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Localization Issue with OS language changes

MaxiStefan opened this issue · comments


Tested this plugin primarily for the cool nested JSON feature, however, I found a problem when the user tries to change the language from the OS settings.

I am calling LocalizedApp.of(context).delegate.currentLocale.languageCode on

void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state)

to listen to the scenario described above and the localizationDelegate does not seem to be changed. It has the same language code even if in the OS the language has been changed.

Any ideas? Thanks

Hi @MaxiStefan, currently this functionality is not implemented in flutter_translate.

There is a previous issue #21 regarding this. I don't have time currently to implement or test this functionality, but there is an example there which you can try.