JerryLingjieMei / FALCON-Release

PyTorch implementation of FALCON: Fast Visual Concept Learning by Integrating Images, Linguistic descriptions, and Conceptual Relations

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Some CLEVR dataset details are missing.

LemonQC opened this issue · comments

I have been trying to evaluate FALCON on the CLEVRdataset, but I found that some files listed in the dataset reader for CLEVR is missing(pretrain_questions.json, refexps.json, fewshot_questions.json, detectron/CLEVR_train_detect_objs.json) as I downloaded the original CLEVRdataset and ran your script. Could you offer the download link for clevr that you used and the missing data.



Does there any responses?

Those files can be found at
If you need data for the other three splits, please let me know.