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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ycli12 opened this issue · comments


@ycli12 感谢指出,你的理解是对的,补充一句“在缓存空间用了少于50%,比如20%的时候,框架执行内存还是可以使用80%。但是此时如果需要缓存更多数据,缓存空间由于被框架执行内存占用而不足,只能丢弃需要缓存的数据。“


@ycli12 谢谢提供的信息,后续会改进


     * Grow the execution pool by evicting cached blocks, thereby shrinking the storage pool.
     * When acquiring memory for a task, the execution pool may need to make multiple
     * attempts. Each attempt must be able to evict storage in case another task jumps in
     * and caches a large block between the attempts. This is called once per attempt.
    // 尽量挤占Storage内存到Execution
    def maybeGrowExecutionPool(extraMemoryNeeded: Long): Unit = {
      if (extraMemoryNeeded > 0) {
        // There is not enough free memory in the execution pool, so try to reclaim memory from
        // storage. We can reclaim any free memory from the storage pool. If the storage pool
        // has grown to become larger than `storageRegionSize`, we can evict blocks and reclaim
        // the memory that storage has borrowed from execution.
        // storagePool.poolSize - storageRegionSize 包含了Storage的内存和挤占Execution的内存
        // 不挤占的情况下 storagePool.memoryFree = storagePool.poolSize - storageRegionSize
        val memoryReclaimableFromStorage = math.max(
          storagePool.poolSize - storageRegionSize)
        if (memoryReclaimableFromStorage > 0) {
          // Only reclaim as much space as is necessary and available:
          // 有多少释放多少,少点也行
          val spaceToReclaim = storagePool.freeSpaceToShrinkPool(
            math.min(extraMemoryNeeded, memoryReclaimableFromStorage))
          // 从storage移到execution了