Jeremy-D-Harris / 2021-QBiosWorkshop

R shiny examples for QBios Workshop May 2021

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2021 QBios Workshop - Building interactive dashboards

Aroon T. ChandeLavanya Rishishwar

Getting started

To get started, clone this repository in the command line or download the ZIP file and open the GaTech-QBiosWorkshop-20210518.Rproj file with RStudio

# clone the repo
git clone
cd 2021-QBiosWorkshop

We will also be using RStudio Connect and the platform. Please make a free account before the session. You will need your token to link RStudio with the platform.

Setting up your environment

Installing the R dependencies

There are a number of R packages that we will need today to build our dashboards. Please run the below code in your Rstudio console window.

packages <- c("shiny", "deSolve")

Linking ShinyApps

To link your profile with RStudio, visit your tokens page and run the provided code snippet (example below) in your RStudio console.

rsconnect::setAccountInfo(name = 'appliedbinf',
                          token = 'alongtokenstringhere',
                          secret = 'supersecretsecretstringhere')

Example code

We’ve provided a series of Shiny code samples in the examples folder:

├── 00_HelloWorld.R
├── 01_HelloSliders.R
├── 02_HelloPlots.R
├── 03_HelloInteractions.R
├── 04_MoreInteractions.R
├── 05_OrganizingUI.R
├── 06_HelloNavbar.R
├── 07_NavBarApp.R
└── 08_SIRModel.R

As the file numbers increase, so does the complexity of the application. 00_HelloWorld.R is the simplest Shiny application and prints a simple “Hello World!” example. 08_SIRModel.R is a full fledged SIRD application, but not much has been done to make it pretty or user friendly.


R shiny examples for QBios Workshop May 2021