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Multicolumn - automatic line breaks

sedirmohammed opened this issue · comments

I noticed that in the Multicolumn environment the automatic line breaks do not work. If I set the width of the columns, then still no line break is set and the width of the columns is increased.

table = LongTable('p{2cm} p{1cm} p{1cm}')
table.add_row(['123',MultiColumn(2, align='c', data='Hello, this is a little test for the MultiColumn-Environment.')])


I found out how this works.

It is theoretically possible via the align attribute to use p formatting to specify the width of the MultiColumn.
So like this:

table.add_row(['123',MultiColumn(2, align='p{2cm}', data='Hello, this is a little test for the MultiColumn-Environment.')])

However, this results in an error when generating the pdf. The problem becomes apparent when you look at the generated .tex file:

123&\multicolumn{2}{p\{2cm\}}{Hello, this is a little test for the MultiColumn{-}Environment.}\\%

The curly braces in p are escaped! In, in the MultiColumn class, the call to NoEscape(align) is missing at the point self.align = align, it should be self.align = NoEscape(align). You can work around this by calling NoEscape() in align when you create the MultiColumn. So this should work:

table.add_row(['123',MultiColumn(2, align=NoEscape('p{2cm}'), data='Hello, this is a little test for the MultiColumn-Environment.')])
