JeffreyCA / iot-dashboard

Exchange rate, stock, and weather information on your MXChip AZ3166 IoT Devkit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


View forex, stock, and weather information on your MXChip AZ3166 IoT Devkit

Forex view Stock view Weather view


Getting Started

  1. Go through the IoT DevKit Get Started Guide
  2. git clone this repo
  3. Fill in the details for the deployed iot-dashboard-functions Azure Function in Device/api.h (FUNCTION_KEY and FUNCTION_URL)
  4. Configure dashboard properties in Device/config.h (BASE_CURRENCY, QUOTE_CURRENCY, STOCK_TICKER, and WEATHER_LOCATION)
  5. Upload code to DevKit


A Button - Press to manually switch between foreign exchange rate, stock price, and weather information.

B Button - Press to manually refresh data.



Config Value Description
FUNCTION_KEY iot-dashboard-functions Azure Function API key
FUNCTION_URL iot-dashboard-functions Azure Function URL


Config Value Description
BASE_CURRENCY Base currency symbol (e.g. USD / CAD)
QUOTE_CURRENCY Quote currency symbol (e.g. CAD / USD)
STOCK_TICKER Stock ticker symbol (e.g. MSFT / AAPL)
WEATHER_LOCATION Weather location (e.g. Toronto / Toronto,CA / Toronto,Canada)
CHANGE_VIEW_INTERVAL Ticks before view changes
FAIL_REFRESH_INTERVAL Ticks before refreshing data due to failure
SUCCESS_REFRESH_INTERVAL Ticks before refreshing data when previously successful
SPLASH_DURATION_MS Splash image duration in milliseconds
UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS Length of each tick in milliseconds (e.g. 1000 means each tick is a second)
WIFI_RETRY_STARTING_INTERVAL_MS Milliseconds before attempting to reconnect to Wi-Fi for the first time after connection loss
WIFI_RETRY_MULT_FACTOR Factor to multiply retry interval by after consecutive connection failures


Exchange rate, stock, and weather information on your MXChip AZ3166 IoT Devkit

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 95.9%Language:C 4.1%