JefferyHus / es6-crawler-detect

:spider: This is an ES6 adaptation of the original PHP library CrawlerDetect, this library will help you detect bots/crawlers/spiders vie the useragent.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TelegramBot not detected

jespertheend opened this issue · comments

const {Crawler} = require("es6-crawler-detect/src");
let crawlDetector = new Crawler();
crawlDetector.isCrawler("TelegramBot (like TwitterBot)"); //false

Strangely enough it does get detected on

I'm using version 3.0.0 on macOS

Thanks for opening the issue, I will check it.

I have just tested and it is working for me. Which version are you using?

@jespertheend I have added a test case here

For you only, please check it.

Ah hahah thank you :)
I'm not sure why it isn't working for me then. My package.json says "es6-crawler-detect": "^3.0.0". I'll double check.

Hmm, ok I'm not sure what exactly the difference is between this repo and what is currently published on npm. But when I do npm i instead of npm i es6-crawler-detect it does detect Telegram properly.
So I'm guessing this will be fixed the next time this package gets updated.

Yes I will be pushing a patch soon, thanks again for the issue mate :)

@jespertheend I have published the latest updates, please check npm now 👍

I'm probably a bit late with this but I just checked and it seems to be working. Thanks for the quick fix!

Sure thing :)