Jason-Stan-Lee / Algrithem

Solutions to some algrithem questions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Solutions to some algrithem questions

  1. Number if tasks running:

    Given n tasks that start and end at (unix) time:(n < 1000)

       [start 1, end 1), [start 2, end 2), ... , [start n, end n)
       of which all starting times are inclusive and all ending times are exclusive

    Write code to efficiently return the number of tasks that are running at m given times:(m > 100000) query 1, query 2, ... , query m

    Function Definition

    void number_of_tasks_running( OUT int number_of_tasks_running[], IN int start[], IN int end[], IN int n, IN int query[], IN int m) {




      n = 3;
      m = 4;
      start = [0, 5, 2];
      end = [4, 7, 8];
      query = [1, 9, 4, 3];


      [1, 0, 1, 2]
  2. Find missed number:

    Given an array which have n-1 items,

    the range of this items is [1, n],

    the array missed one of them,

    Write code to find the missed number.

    Function Definition

    int find_missed_number( int array[], int n)




     int array[] = {1, 2, 4};
     n = 4;


  3. Number of digit one:

    From Leet Code 233:

    Given an integer n, count the total number of digit 1 appearing in all non-negative integers less than or equal to n.

    For example:

    Given n = 13,

    Return 6, because digit 1 occurred in the following numbers: 1, 10, 11, 12, 13.


Solutions to some algrithem questions


Language:C 100.0%