Jarzka / stylefy

Clojure(Script) library for styling user interface components with ease.

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Garden unit helpers do not work

tatut opened this issue · comments

Documentation says garden unit helpers should work.

dev:cljs.user=> (require '[stylefy.core :as stylefy])
dev:cljs.user=> (require '[garden.units :refer [px]])
dev:cljs.user=> (stylefy/use-style {:width (px 20)})
{:class "_stylefy_-1726757740",
 :style {:width {:unit :px, :magnitude 20}}}
dev:cljs.user=> (type (get-in *1 [:style :width]))

Expected :width to have value "20px", not a garden record instance.

The converted style map has not been added in to the DOM yet, so use-style returns both the class definition and the style map as inline style, just as it is. This also causes special namespaced keywords to be handled as normal CSS properties. They don't really do anything when inline, but it's still incorrect to return them:

dev:cljs.user=> (stylefy/use-style {:width "20px" ::stylefy/media {}})
{:class "_stylefy_-1985416734",
 :style {:width "20px", :stylefy.core/media {}, :visibility "hidden"}}

To fix this:

  • Those special namespaced keywords should be removed from inline style.
  • Garden CSSUnits (and CSSColors) should be converted to strings before returning the style as inline style.

To avoid this problem, you can always define units as strings, as I have done in all examples.

This bug will be fixed in the next stylefy release (1.1.0).