JaredScar / Badger_Discord_API

A FiveM API Script [created by Badger]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using POST or PATCH requests

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When I use the DiscordRequest function with POST or PATCH methods, and try to pass jsondata with it, I get error code 400 (bad request). Example for changing user nickname:

function SetNickname(user, nickname)
	local discordId = nil
	for _, id in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(user)) do
		if string.match(id, "discord:") then
			discordId = string.gsub(id, "discord:", "")

	if discordId then
		local name = nickname or ""
		local endpoint = ("guilds/%s/members/%s"):format(Config.GuildId, discordId)
		local member = DiscordRequest("PATCH", endpoint, {nick = name})
		print(member.code) --Returns 400

By printing out jsondata in the DiscordRequest function, I get a table. My guess is that the Discord API can't read that, hence why it returns error code 400. After trying to solve this issue for a while now with no success, could anyone tell me a way to fix it without doing the HTTP request in my SetNickname function itself?


Interesting, I may have to fix this at some point unless someone is lovely enough to make a PR for it down the line. I will keep this open until then


I strongly believe that line 84 in server.lua causing this problem:

#jsondata > 0 and json.encode(jsondata) or ""

Because, when trying to execute:

local jsonData = { 
    nick = 'foo'

print(#jsonData > 0 and json.encode(jsonData) or "")

For example, (using the same statement used at the mentioned line above), it returns the empty string.
(Because #jsonData returns 0, even though the actual length isn't 0)

Will add a fix to my current PR Request.


The above-mentioned part of the code was indeed one of the causes for this issue and after thorough testing based on the initial description, I found a solution:

--Remove json.encode() from line 84:
#jsondata > 0 and jsondata or ""

--Add json.encode() to the calling function(s):
local member = DiscordRequest("PATCH", endpoint, json.encode({nick = tostring(name)}))

You may see that I also added tostring(name) to the code as using variables also returned error code 400 before. During the test of said changes, print(#jsondata) returned the correct length.


The above-mentioned part of the code was indeed one of the causes for this issue and after thorough testing based on the initial description, I found a solution:

--Remove json.encode() from line 84:
#jsondata > 0 and jsondata or ""

--Add json.encode() to the calling function(s):
local member = DiscordRequest("PATCH", endpoint, json.encode({nick = tostring(name)}))

You may see that I also added tostring(name) to the code as using variables also returned error code 400 before. During the test of said changes, print(#jsondata) returned the correct length.

I could implement these changes myself, but what's the fun in that. Do you mind making a PR so you get credit for finding the fix? 😄 Thanks!


Done. Additionally, I also updated the Discord API version as the current (default) one is said to be deprecated. I tested that too earlier, but since I only use one or two functions from this resource, I cannot guarantee that it won't interfere with some of the API endpoints found in this repo.


@gegelendvay If you get rid of v10, I'll merge it. Probably don't need to worry about changing from v6 until it's really needed


Reverted it back to how it was before. If needed, I can test v10 with the complete repo.


Reverted it back to how it was before. If needed, I can test v10 with the complete repo.
