Japan-Digital-Archives / Japan-Digital-Archive

Digital Archive of Japan's 2011 Disasters

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Someone abused the credentials in your .git/config file

DanielRuf opened this issue · comments

A person going by the name gitsbackup has overwritten your commits.
You can easily recover them by pushing from the cloned repository which was used for this attack. Make sure to delete the credentials in the .git/config file then and change your password.

Use git push -u origin master -f && git push --tags -f from your local clone to push all references for master, tags and so on to the remote and then enable 2FA in your account.

See my full answer at https://security.stackexchange.com/a/209473/6090

Thanks @DanielRuf! Unfortunately I don't have a cloned version anymore. But maybe previous project participants could comment with the date of their last pull.

This should give you a unix time stamp:

stat -c %Y .git/FETCH_HEAD     // Windows
stat -f '%m' .git/FETCH_HEAD   // Mac