Jammy2211 / PyAutoGalaxy

PyAutoGalaxy: Open-Source Multiwavelength Galaxy Structure & Morphology

Home Page:https://pyautogalaxy.readthedocs.io/

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Unexpected keywords

sloneil opened this issue · comments

In the notebooks InversionPlotter and VoronoiDrawer, the examples calling 'plane.to_inversion.inversion_imaging_from(...)' is passed 'grid=imaging.grid', but this gives the error
inversion_imaging_from() got an unexpected keyword argument 'grid'

I also get the error
init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'origin'
when calling
in the FillBetween notebook

Should these be a different keywords?

The line
result = search.fit(model=model, analysis=analysis)
in the light_pixelized notebooks gives:
'Interferometer' object has no attribute 'grid_inversion'

and in MapperPlotter
mapper = plane.linear_obj_list_from(grid=grid_2d)[0]
'Plane' object has no attribute 'linear_obj_list_from'

Are you on the master branch of the PyAutoArray / PyAutoGalaxy github repos (via a git clone)?

I believe I am. I've tried recloning it but still get the same error.

The updated workspace should fix this, provided you are using the latest master branch of other projects.

A pip release is coming soon, once final tests are complete.