JamesWoolfenden / pike

Pike is a tool for determining the permissions or policy required for IAC code

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azurerm endpoint permission on "PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action",

JamesWoolfenden opened this issue · comments

Azure rm endpoint can connect to many different endpoint type and each needs a different permission e.g. a redis cache requires "Microsoft.Cache/redis/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action".

So you can either add them all, none or somehow inspect the endpoint resource to determine what it needs:
`resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "pike" {
resource_group_name = "pike"
location = "uksouth"
subnet_id = "/subscriptions/037ce662-dfc1-4b8b-a8a7-6c414b540ed6/resourceGroups/pike/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/pike/subnets/pike"
name = "pike"
private_service_connection {
private_connection_resource_id = azurerm_redis_cache.pike.id
is_manual_connection = false
name = "cachy"
subresource_names = [

private_dns_zone_group {
  name                 = "default"
  private_dns_zone_ids = ["/subscriptions/037ce662-dfc1-4b8b-a8a7-6c414b540ed6/resourceGroups/pike/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/private.beer"]

timeouts {

tags = {pike="permission" }
