JamesRamm / archook

Searches the system for arcgis and makes arcpy available to python (regardless of pythonpath/system path/registry settings)

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info: at Pro 2.7 arcpy installable via Anaconda channel

mhw-at-yg opened this issue · comments

I'm not exactly sure how this impacts archook, but people working in the co-op space will be interested to know that as of ArcGIS Pro 2.7 arcpy is installable with Anaconda. Presumably this means you don't have to have Pro on a given machine to install and use it. (You'll still need to be able to acquire and verify a valid license of course.)

At ArcGIS Pro 2.7, ArcPy can also be added to an existing Python environment, as long as its package versions are not in conflict. To add ArcPy, use conda to install ArcPy from the Esri channel on Anaconda Cloud. From the Python Command Prompt, run the following command:
conda install arcpy -c esri.
