JamesCoyle / DownloadsExtension

A replacement for the default Chrome downloads shelf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

extension stalls on complete for certain files

o-r-i-z-u-r-u opened this issue · comments

on MacOS a .dmg for example the browser prompts a message in the bottom tray/shelf along the lines of "files downloaded from the internet could harm your computer: keep or discard?" and you select one or the other. but with the extension, it doesn't give you the option and so it stays in your downloads folder as an unconfirmed download. you have to go to the downloads page within the browser and manually select keep or discard to pull the file out of stasis. would be great if this was selectable within the extension.

on MacOS 10.11 but I'm sure it applies to other versions

Can you provide links to the files you are trying to download?

I've been trying to implement this feature but the way I've managed to get Chrome to trigger the keep or discard option meant the API didn't provide any difference from a regular download. If I have some real world downloads to test with I may have more luck.

sure, here's two: windscribe (vpn) and iina (media client) for OS X

Thanks! They both appear to download fine on Windows so I'll have to try it on my MacBook when I have a moment. I don't think I've actually tested the extension on Mac yet so there might be a couple of bugs I'm not aware of...

I'm currently focusing my development time on another extension that I hope to be releasing in the next few weeks all being well so I'm not sure when I'll have chance to fix this issue but hopefully it shouldn't be too long. There's a lot in the works for this extension too so I'll try to get this fix into the next major release.

Ayy wicked, well if it helps there's no rush from this end! One jamroll at a time. Either way happy to get a fast response. Hope all goes well unveiling the new extension, looking forward to the next release :)