JamesCoyle / DownloadsExtension

A replacement for the default Chrome downloads shelf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Icon is always blue at start

IvoryJam opened this issue · comments

The icon is always blue at start for me, I have to toggle the drop down before it will go back to the theme I set.

This happens on a set color as well as "match theme"

Extension version: 3.0.0
Chromium Version: 100.0.4896.79
Brave Version: 1.38.80

I think I introduced a race condition where the saved settings sometimes do not override the default settings. Will get this fixed in the next update.

@IvoryJam The latest update v3.0.1 includes a fix for this issue. Can you check you have this latest version and verify that it has fixed the issue please?

Now it just stays blue, double checked my settings and it's set to dark gray. If I toggle that then it'll set the correct color until next time I start Brave

Version 3.1.1 should be going out soon which will hopefully fix this issue properly. v3.1 now lets you specify a custom icon color too cause I figured I might as well while looking into this issue. Let me know if the fix works once it goes live.

Confirmed it once Google Store updated. Great work and thank you!

Awesome! Thanks for your help identifying this issue.