JamesCoyle / DownloadsExtension

A replacement for the default Chrome downloads shelf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Downloads do not appear in "Files you download appear here", when browser runs in Incognito mode

oep42 opened this issue · comments


If starting a browser with a Windows shortcut target like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe" --incognito
then the browser runs in Incognito mode or Private mode.

When a browser runs in Incognito mode, downloads do not appear in the extension's area "Files you download appear here".

In that situation, downloads do appear normally in the browser's standard tab for downloads. Then also, a badge count is shown as expected on the extension's toolbar icon during downloads.

Download Manager version 2.2.1
Browser: Vivaldi version 3.8.2259.42 (32 bit)
OS: Windows 8.1 (64 bit)

Ah I think I'm hiding incognito downloads from the non-incognito version and that's probably hiding them in incognito mode too. Will look into a fix when I have time but I'm currently on holiday.