JakeWharton / hugo

Annotation-triggered method call logging for your debug builds.

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Hugo + Retrolambda - is it possible to use both?

radzio opened this issue · comments


Thanks for great library. Is it possible to use Hugo with retrolambda? I was trying to use them both in one project without any success. Everything is compiling but I don't see any hugo's logs when I start app.

I've changed hugo-example app where you can reproduce it ( https://github.com/radzio/hugo/blob/master/hugo-example/build.gradle )

Any ideas / suggestions?


As I said on #77, I have no interest in figuring out how to support retrolambda. Someone else is welcome to try, however, and I'll merge.

Thanks for response. Probably it is retrolambda fault because it's breaking other similar libraries (for example: https://github.com/stephanenicolas/loglifecycle )

Another example: evant/gradle-retrolambda#78


I just start a pull request to solve this problem.

Also I have updated the example to show how hugo working with retrolambda in my own repo, but I don't think it's appropriate to inlucde this commit to pull request.


Bump issue. Does anyone have a workaround?

@radzio @3mph4515

I just created an alternative library XLog which can work with Retrolambda.

I've tested hugo support with the latest version of gradle-retrolambda (3.1.0) and it seems to be working fine. I changed it to do way less bad things to the javaCompile task which should increase compatibility with other plugins like this one.

@evant Awesome. Thanks!

Well shit I just merged a thing to change when our AspectJ is run (it's now immediately before dex). I can't imagine it'll hurt, at the very least!

I confirm Hugo 1.2.1 does not log a thing when using retrolambda. https://github.com/promeG/XLog works like a charm if you are using retrolambda. Thanks a lot @promeG!