JaimeStill / platform-demo

Demonstration of Angular 10.x / .NET Core 3.1 app platform

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Platform Demo

This demonstration is built into an Angular Workspace and is similar to the setup generated in my angular-workspaces repository.

Getting Started

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Required Setup

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Recommended Tools

dotnet ef

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ef


yarn global add @angular/cli


yarn global add @angular-devkit/schematics-cli

Seed the Database

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Ensure that ConnectionStrings:Project is appropriately setup for your local SQL Server instance in appsettings.Development.json

"ConnectionStrings": {
  "Project": "Server=.\\DevSql;Database=PlatformDemo-dev;Trusted_Connection=True;"
platform-demo> cd server/dbseeder
platform-demo/server/dbseeder> dotnet run -- "Server=.\DevSql;Database=PlatformDemo-dev;Trusted_Connection=True;"

Build the Libraries

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platform-demo> yarn build

Run the Applications

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In Visual Studio Code, you open multiple terminals in a split view using the Split Terminal button at the top-right of the Terminal window (or use the default keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+Shift+5).

Server Terminal

yarn start:server

api-filtering Terminal

yarn start:api-filtering


worker-service Terminal

yarn start:worker-service


recursive-interface Terminal

yarn start:recursive-interface


Infrastructure Details

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Build and Run Scripts

package.json - contains all of the scripts necessary to build and run the applications.

Angular Configuration

angular.json - provides all of the necessary configuration details for the Angular libraries and apps authored in this workspace.

Global Assets

assets - contains any global blob files to be shared between different application instances. Currently, it contains the Material Icon fonts.

App Theme

theme - contains all of the SCSS files share between each application that implements a global Material theme.

API Filtering

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Enables pagination, sorting, and filtering of Entity Framework IQueryable<T> data results using query parameters on an API URL.

API Filtering Infrastructure

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  • ApiQuery - Server infrastructure of the .Core class library that enables this functionality on the server side.
  • Item.cs and Category.cs - Entity Framework classes that supports this demo.
  • query-result.ts - TypeScript interface that wraps query results and contains collection metadata to support pagination.
  • query.service.ts - Abstract Angular service that provides all of the core infrastructure necessary for implementing this functionality on the client side.
  • item.ts and category.ts - TypeScript interfaces that map to the Entity Framework classes they represent.

API Filtering Implementation

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Recursive Interface

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Demonstration of component design that facilitates lazy-loading of data structures with a graph of an unknown depth.

This provides a more convenient / performant replacement for the mat-tree component.

Recursive Interface Infrastructure

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Recursive Interface Pattern

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This pattern is implemented in the FolderComponent. Before jumping into that file, you should understand what is actually enabling this functionality:

  • The FolderComponent provides its own instance of FileSystemService, so every instance of this component maintains its own state relative to its direct children.
  • The FolderComponent itself has the potential to render child folders, which can load its own children. In this way, FolderComponent is recursive.

By default, FolderComponent.expanded = false. Its children aren't loaded until the folder is actually expanded to reveal its contents. This allows us to only load the folders that don't have a parent folder. In this way, we can efficiently initialize the base data graph, but dynamically load child nodes on demand (lazily load them).

Worker Service

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This demonstration actually introduces several coordinated features:

  • App Notifications
  • Alerts which generate Notifications

There are two technologies that directly enable these features:

Worker Service Infrastructure

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In this section, I'll highlight all of the standard parts of the codebase that you should already be familiar with. In the next section, I'll highlight everything that drives the non-standard functionality of these features.

Worker Service Implementation

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  • SocketHub.cs - SignalR Hub necessary for broadcasting notifications
  • NotificationWorker.cs - IHostedService that runs as a service in parallel with the .NET Core web app.
    • Notice that AppDbContext cannot be injected directly. It must be extracted from the injected IServiceProvider instance.
    • An IHubContext<SocketHub> must be injected in order to use SignalR to trigger the receiveAlertNotification event for connected clients via the NotifyClients method.
    • StartAsync runs whenever the IIS site starts
    • TriggerAlerts runs whenever the Timer ticks (every 15 seconds in this case).
    • StopAsync runs whenever the IIS site is stopped
  • Program.cs - Modified to configure and start the NotificationWorker hosted service.
  • Startup.cs - Map the SocketHub to the /core-socket endpoint.
  • socket.service.ts - Angular Service that manages a SignalR web socket connection, registers web socket events, and exposes a triggerNotification function to broadcast notifications to other connected clients.
    • The connected$, error$, notify$, and alertNotify$ streams are used to keep track of the state of the web socket, as well as track whenever new notifications are available.
  • app.component.ts - At the global AppComponent level, whenever new notifications are received, the notification count is updated. This is used by the notification link to indicate how many unread notifications there are.
  • app.component.html - This section shows the notification link, and how it uses the notifyCount property to indicate the amount of unread notifications there currently are.
  • home.component.ts - Whenever an alert is triggered, the new alert notification is received by SignalR, and refreshes the collection of alerts.

Entity Framework Change Auditing

This is more of a transient feature that has been developed into the app platform. The whole of this feature can be found in the following places:

  • ChangeState.cs - For a given instance of SaveChanges, this class tracks all of the EntityEntry objects from the ChangeTracker based on their state: Added, Modified, or Deleted.
  • Audit.cs - Entity Framework class that stores the details of an audit record to the database.
  • AppDbContext - Beginning with override SaveChanges injects the audit process into the Entity Framework workflow.
    • GetChangeState populates and returns an instance of ChangeState
    • GetEntityEntries returns a List<EntityEntry> from the ChangeTracker of entries that are in the provided EntityState.
    • CreateAudit creates Audit records for all of the EntityEntry objects in a provided ChangeState object.
    • GenerateAudit serializes the state of an entity into JSON, generates an Audit record for the entry, then executes the specified generator action.
      • Think of Action<T> as a void callback function that receives an object of T as an argument whenever it is invoked.

Audit data can be accessed via the AuditController, which has its logic defined in AuditExtensions.


Demonstration of Angular 10.x / .NET Core 3.1 app platform


Language:C# 43.7%Language:TypeScript 35.8%Language:HTML 12.2%Language:CSS 7.9%Language:Batchfile 0.3%