Jacy-Chen / CriminalIntent

Android Structure Building Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Implementation of practice project from turial "Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide".

Brief Intro

Criminal Intent record the details of "office crimes" - things like leavind dirty dises in the breakroom sink or walking away from an empty shared printer after documents have printed.

Key Features

  • UI Fragment and Fragment Manager with fragmentActivity
  • User Interface with Layouts and Widgets
  • Display Lists with RecyclerView --> Just like the iOS UITableView
  • Pass Values via Fragment Arguments
  • Show multi Page via ViewPager
  • Show Dialogs holding DatePicker
  • Custumise the Tool bar
  • Save data with SQLite in Android device


  • Fragments
    • Always use fragment if possible
    • Number of fragments shuold not over 3 in one activity
    • Custume View --> sub level plan
    • Fragment Arguments Best, not use public instance variable to pass value.
  • Fragments Manager
    • State chasing
    • Fragment ID and Location Spot in the Activity
    • Singleton viriable for a Activity?
  • Intents
    • StartActivityWithResult() -- HasResult()
    • Handle the Extra code within the class by using static method.
  • Bundle
    • Save State of Activity and Fragment
  • Support Library
    • Add Dependency
    • Gradle sync
    • Support Library is the King (Always use latest function and size is small)


Android Structure Building Project


Language:Java 100.0%