JacopoDaeli / codito-jan2017

Presentation repository at Codito Ergo Sum hosted by TheFamily in Paris, Jan 19th 2017.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Presentation repository at Codito Ergo Sum hosted by TheFamily in Paris, Jan 19th 2017. Edit


  • Create a K8S cluster

  • Get the cluster credentials

  • Create a Private GitHub repo containing your application code, etc.

  • Create and add the Dockerfile

  • Build and test the Docker image

  • Push the Docker image in GCR: gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/tribe-testing/codito-jan2017:pre

  • Create the K8S deployment and allow external traffic to the application

(At this point you have the application/container running in the cluster!!!)

  • Enable the created repo on Travis

  • Create and add the .travis.yml and deploy.sh file

  • Run chmod +x resources/deploy.sh to give execution permission to the deploy.sh file

  • Create and download a gcloud key in JSON format

  • Run cat gcloud.json | base64 and copy the output

  • Create a secret GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY variable in the Travis repo settings

  • Commit the everything

Build and test the container

docker build -t gcr.io/tribe-testing/codito-jan2017:pre .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name codito_jan2017 gcr.io/tribe-testing/codito-jan2017:pre

Get cluster credentials

gcloud --quiet config set project tribe-testing
gcloud --quiet config set container/cluster cluster-codito-jan2017
gcloud --quiet config set compute/zone us-east1-b
gcloud --quiet container clusters get-credentials cluster-codito-jan2017

Create the deployment

kubectl run codito-jan2017 --image=gcr.io/tribe-staging/codito-jan2017:pre --port=8080
kubectl expose deployment codito-jan2017 --type="LoadBalancer"

Connect to the cluster

gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-codito-jan2017 --zone us-east1-b --project tribe-testing
kubectl proxy

Scale up the application (optional)

kubectl scale deployment codito-jan2017 --replicas=3


Presentation repository at Codito Ergo Sum hosted by TheFamily in Paris, Jan 19th 2017.

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 77.5%Language:JavaScript 22.5%