JW9506 / Shoe-Shop

Spring Boot 3 Microservice with Java 17

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Shoe-Shop Project

Overview of Project

This document serves as the technical documentation for the Shoe-Shop Project. The project is developed using Spring Boot 3 and Java 17, providing a simulation of a microservices architecture. It is intended to exemplify a scalable, robust system using current best practices in microservices development.

Functional Specifications

  • Cross-Module Communication: The project demonstrates cross-module communication with features such as Get /api/order/allproducts.
  • Exception Handling: Implements a unified approach to exception handling across services.
  • Database Design: The Category table features a self-join, allowing a product to belong to a primary category and a subcategory simultaneously. Selecting a category returns all related products.

Future Development Objectives

  • API Gateway Integration: Implementing an API Gateway for module interactions.
  • Database Upgrade: Transitioning from an in-memory H2 database to a remote database system.
  • Frontend and API Gateway Interaction: Enabling the frontend to interact with the API Gateway.
  • Inventory Module Implementation: Adding an inventory module with Eureka integration for order processing.
  • Billing Module Integration: Incorporating a billing module subscribing to new order events via RabbitMQ.
  • Checkout Feature Completion: Finalizing the checkout functionality.
  • Promo Code: Validate promo code against backend permitted values.

Microservices Architecture

  • Order Service: Port 8081 - Manages customer orders.
  • Product Service: Port 8082 - Manages product details.
  • Inventory Service: Port 8083 - Manages inventory details.
  • API Gateway: Port 8090 - Serves as the central entry point.
  • Eureka Service: Port 8091 - Provides service discovery.
  • Auth Service: Port 8092 - Handles user authentication.

Inter-Service Communication

Project Setup

  • The auth-service reads from environment variable GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, see auth-service application.yml, be sure to get them ready before spinning up auth-service.
  • Just import the project into IntelliJ, or VSCode

API Endpoints

Overview of the available API endpoints.

Order Service APIs

Post /api/order
    request body {
        Long customerId
        String orderDetails
Get /api/order/{id}
Get /api/order/allproducts

Post /api/order/addItem
    request body {
        Long orderId
        Long productId
        Long quantity
        BigDecimal totalPrice

Product Service APIs

Post /api/product
    request body {
        String name
        String description
        Double price
        Long parentCategoryId
Delete /api/product/{id}
Get /api/product/all

Get /api/categories
Get /api/categories/hierarchical
Get /api/categories/{categoryId}/products

Code Structure

Minified view of the project's directory and file structure, highlighting key components in each microservice.

Product Service Structure

  • Key components of the Product Service.
|-- src
|   `-- main
|       |-- java
|       |   `-- com
|       |       `-- shoeshop
|       |           |-- config
|       |           |   `-- WebConfig.java
|       |           |-- controller
|       |           |   |-- CategoryController.java
|       |           |   `-- ProductController.java
|       |           |-- dto
|       |           |   |-- CategoryDto.java
|       |           |   |-- CategoryNode.java
|       |           |   |-- ProductCreateDto.java
|       |           |   `-- ProductDto.java
|       |           |-- entity
|       |           |   |-- Category.java
|       |           |   `-- Product.java
|       |           |-- exceptions
|       |           |   |-- EntityNotFoundException.java
|       |           |   `-- ExceptionAdvice.java
|       |           |-- repository
|       |           |   |-- CategoryRepository.java
|       |           |   `-- ProductRepository.java
|       |           |-- response
|       |           |   |-- BaseResponse.java
|       |           |   |-- DataResponse.java
|       |           |   |-- FailureInfo.java
|       |           |   `-- SuccessInfo.java
|       |           |-- service
|       |           |   |-- CategoryService.java
|       |           |   `-- ProductService.java
|       |           `-- ProductApp.java
|       `-- resources
|           |-- application-prod.yml
|           |-- application.yml
|           `-- sql-init.sql
|-- Dockerfile
`-- build.gradle

14 directories, 25 files

Order Service Structure

|-- src
|   `-- main
|       |-- java
|       |   `-- com
|       |       `-- shoeshop
|       |           |-- config
|       |           |   |-- AppConfig.java
|       |           |   |-- CurrentEnvironment.java
|       |           |   |-- ProductServiceEndpointProperties.java
|       |           |   `-- WebConfig.java
|       |           |-- controller
|       |           |   |-- CustomerController.java
|       |           |   `-- OrderController.java
|       |           |-- dto
|       |           |   |-- CheckOutDto.java
|       |           |   |-- CustomerDto.java
|       |           |   |-- OrderCreateDto.java
|       |           |   |-- OrderDto.java
|       |           |   |-- OrderItemDto.java
|       |           |   `-- ProductItemDto.java
|       |           |-- entity
|       |           |   |-- Customer.java
|       |           |   |-- Order.java
|       |           |   `-- OrderItem.java
|       |           |-- enums
|       |           |   `-- PaymentStatus.java
|       |           |-- exceptions
|       |           |   |-- EntityNotFoundException.java
|       |           |   |-- ExceptionAdvice.java
|       |           |   `-- GlobalException.java
|       |           |-- repository
|       |           |   |-- CustomerRepository.java
|       |           |   |-- OrderItemRepository.java
|       |           |   `-- OrderRepository.java
|       |           |-- response
|       |           |   |-- APIResponseWrapperForJsonParsing.java
|       |           |   |-- BaseResponse.java
|       |           |   |-- DataResponse.java
|       |           |   |-- FailureInfo.java
|       |           |   `-- SuccessInfo.java
|       |           |-- service
|       |           |   |-- CustomerService.java
|       |           |   |-- OrderService.java
|       |           |   `-- ProductServiceClient.java
|       |           |-- util
|       |           |   `-- JwtVerifier.java
|       |           |-- AuditEntity.java
|       |           `-- OrderApp.java
|       `-- resources
|           |-- application-prod.yml
|           |-- application.yml
|           |-- product-service-api.json
|           `-- sql-init.sql
|-- Dockerfile
|-- build.gradle
`-- fetchApi.sh

16 directories, 40 files

Database Design

  • ERD Diagram with a brief explanation of the database schema. (Work In Progress) ERD Diagram


  • Screenshots of the application's UI. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3

Update 01/02/2014

Render the currently selected category above the product items. Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5


Spring Boot 3 Microservice with Java 17


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