JSKongress / JS-Kongress-Munich-Deep-Track

This repository collects all session proposals for the #DeepTrack at JS Kongress Munich. See you again in 2021! Take a look on our website for more details.

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TC39 -- Immutable values, operator overloading, and custom numeric literals

littledan opened this issue · comments

Session Title: Immutable values, operator overloading, and custom numeric literals

Session Abstract: Discuss some extremely early ideas in TC39 about extending the language to support various aspects of custom types

Approximate Duration: 60

Your Name:* Daniel Ehrenberg

Your Twitter handle:* littledan


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:

I can't find repo for Immutable values proposal. Is it public?

No, I just made this gist: https://gist.github.com/littledan/eb10cabc39e884c4a5fd6bbaa60afec0 . I hope to have a proper proposal soon!