JOKUE2002 / musescore-downloader

Download musescore-scores as pdf whilst skipping the paywall.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Musescore Downloader

Did you ever come across a score on musescore and want to download it as a pdf but notice it is stuck behind a paywall? Kinda sucks.

I mean one could screenshot each page and combine them into a pdf, but that would take time and effort.

This is, why I wrote this little app to do this automatically.


Clone the repository, install the packages and run it.

git clone
cd musescore-downloader
npm install
node index.js

The program will ask you for the URL of the score (e.g. and (hopefully) output a file named score.pdf.


  • The program might break or malfunction.
  • It works on my machine and might not on your machine.
  • Musescore might change the way their website works at any time, which may break the program.
  • Musescore might not like you downloading their scores without an account or paying.
  • Please don't abuse.

Issues or problems

As stated above, it works on my machine. The code is documented, so if it doesn't work on your machine, please try to fix it yourself.


Download musescore-scores as pdf whilst skipping the paywall.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%