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New timetable change

PEROLEr opened this issue · comments

The timetable has changed once again. Monday and Tuesday need to be changed. Monday now has a 30 minutes mentor session, which moves all the lessons and lunch after it 15 minutes ahead. Tuesday now has no mentor, moving the periods back by 15 minutes.

So is Monday now

	var periodsType3 =
		new schoolPeriod("Period 1", "8:40", "9:40"),
		new schoolPeriod("Period 2", "9:40", "10:40"),
		new schoolPeriod("Mentor", "11:05", "11:35"),
		new schoolPeriod("Period 3", "11:35", "12:35"),
		new schoolPeriod("Period 4", "12:40", "13:40"),
		new schoolPeriod("Period 5", "14:30", "15:30")

and Tuesday

	var periodsType3 =
		new schoolPeriod("Period 1", "8:40", "9:40"),
		new schoolPeriod("Period 2", "9:40", "10:40"),
		new schoolPeriod("Period 3", "11:05", "12:05"),
		new schoolPeriod("Period 4", "12:10", "13:10"),
		new schoolPeriod("Period 5", "14:00", "15:00")

and it is the same for week A and week B?

Sorry, I'm not on Github a lot. Yes those are the correct times, and it is the same for both weeks