JKHeadley / rest-hapi

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CRU fails for schema using Mongoose Map type

davad opened this issue Β· comments

Describe the bug

When a schema has a Map field, create/read/update operations throw the following server-side error:

[09:41:56.302] 77020 LOG      api/test/Find β€” params({"_id":"5c7941a3ba4d188ef4d295f3"}), query({}), payload(null)
[09:41:56.309] 77020 ERROR    node_modules/rest-hapi/utilities/handler-helper.js:1693:9 api/test/Find β€” MongoError: Positional projection 'value.$*' does not match the query document.
[09:41:56.309] 77020 ERROR    node_modules/rest-hapi/utilities/handler-helper.js:1693:9 api/test/Find β€”     at queryCallback (/Users/david.m.landry/Sync/Avanade/MetLife/gssp-composer-backend/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/cursor.js:248:25)
[09:41:56.309] 77020 ERROR    node_modules/rest-hapi/utilities/handler-helper.js:1693:9 api/test/Find β€”     at /Users/david.m.landry/Sync/Avanade/MetLife/gssp-composer-backend/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:532:18
[09:41:56.309] 77020 ERROR    node_modules/rest-hapi/utilities/handler-helper.js:1693:9 api/test/Find β€”     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61:11)
Debug: internal, implementation, error
    Error: There was an error processing the request.
    at handleError (/Users/david.m.landry/Sync/Avanade/MetLife/gssp-composer-backend/node_modules/rest-hapi/utilities/handler-helper.js:1694:11)
    at Object._findHandler [as findHandler] (/Users/david.m.landry/Sync/Avanade/MetLife/gssp-composer-backend/node_modules/rest-hapi/utilities/handler-helper.js:321:5)

To Reproduce

Example schema:

module.exports = mongoose => {
    const modelName = "test";
    const Types = mongoose.Schema.Types;

    const Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
            value: {
                type: Map,
                of: Types.String,

    Schema.statics = {
        collectionName: modelName,
        routeOptions: {},
    return Schema;

Expected behavior

Map types should be converted to/from plain objects. Joi would validate the shape of the contents of the Map, but not the Map keys themselves.

E.g. Sample JSON using the schema above; the first key/value, "key1", would pass Joi validation. The rest would fail.

    "value": {
        "key1": "a string",
        "key2": true,
        "key3": 5,
        "key4": ["a string"],
        "key5": {}

This would pass as well:

    "value": {}

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: macOS
  • Browser cURL

Additional info

The DELETE operation still works. I created content directly in the DB, and was able to delete it through the REST endpoint.

I tracked down what's causing the error. I don't know if this is the only issue, but it allows me to create/read/update documents using a Map field.

Mongoose adds an extra entry to schema.paths for the Map type. It's called 'mapField.$*'. When that's included in the RestHapi queries, it throws the error mentioned above. When I filter out that path from the query, everything seems to work normally.

I'll submit a PR for that change.

closed with #167