JGalego / Jenkins-101

A short introduction to automation, CI/CD and DevOps

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Jenkins 101


A short introduction to Jenkins, automation, CI/CD and DevOps



Note: Use Docker and Docker Compose (optional) to start a Jenkins server - don't install Jenkins directly on your machine if you don't have to

  • Hello World - Freestyle
  • Setting up Windows agents
  • Managing plugins
  • Code review with Gerrit

    For more information about Git and Gerrit, check out the git - the simple guide and Using Gerrit to enhance your Git video from the Eclipse foundation.

    • Install Git
    • Open Git Bash
    • Configure user name and email
      git config --global user.email "<EMAIL>"
      git config --global user.name "<NAME>"
    • Run ssh-keygen leaving every input empty

      Note: This should never be done in real systems

    • Run cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and save the input for later
    • Go to localhost:9090 and click Skip Intro to go to the Dashboard
    • Open Settings ⚙️
    • Go to Profile and change the Full Name to <NAME>
    • Go to Email Addresses, type <EMAIL> into New email address and click Send Verification

      Note: In developer mode, Gerrit will skip this validation

    • Go to SSH Keys, paste the output of the cat command in the New SSH Key textbox and click Add New SSH Key
    • Go to Browse > Repositories and create a new repository by clicking Create New Repository Name: <REPO_NAME> Owner: <NAME> Create initial empty commit: True Only serve as parent for other repositories: False
    • Go back to the Git Bash window and clone the repository
      git clone "ssh://admin@localhost:29418/<REPO_NAME>" && scp -p -P 29418 admin@localhost:hooks/commit-msg "<REPO_NAME>/.git/hooks/"
    • Make a few changes and push everything to Gerrit
      cd <REPO_NAME>
      echo 'Hello World!' > README.md
      git add README.md
      git commit -m "Added README"
      git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
  • Static analysis with SonarQube
    • Go to localhost:9000 and log into SonarQube

      When installing SonarQube, a default user with Administer System permission is created automatically (Login: admin, Password: admin) cf. Instance Administration > Security for additional information

    • Go to My Account > Security

    • In Tokens, enter a token name and click Generate - copy the token so we can use it later

    • Go to Plugin Manager and install the SonarQube Scanner plugin

    • Go to Configure System > SonarQube Servers and click Add SonarQube Name: sonar Server URL: http://sonarqube:9000

    • In Server authentication token, click Add, select Jenkins and add the sonar token cf. image below for more details

    • Apply and Save

    • Go to Global Tools Configuration > SonarQube Scanner and click Add SonarQube Scanner

    • Apply and Save

    • Create a new Freestyle job

    • In Source Code Management, select Git and set Repository URL e.g. https://github.com/Coveros/helloworld

    • In Build, click Add build step and select Executre SonarQube Scanner

    • Set Tasks to run to -Dsonar.projectKey=helloworld

    • Apply and Save

    • Trigger a new build by clicking Build Now

  • Unit tests with Maven
    • Go to Plugin Manager and install the Maven Integration plugin
    • Go to Global Tools Configuration and add a new Maven installation
    • Create a new Maven project
    • In Source Code Management, select Git and add the Repository URL e.g. https://github.com/jenkins-docs/simple-java-maven-app
    • In Build, set Goals and options to clean install
    • Apply and Save
    • Trigger a new build by clicking Build Now
  • UI automation with RobotFramework + Selenium
  • Running Postman collections with Newman
    • Use postmanlabs/newman
      newman run examples\sample-collection.json --disable-unicode --reporter-junit-export results.xml --reporters cli,junit
  • Hello World - Pipeline
  • Managing Jenkins with Script Console
  • LDAP authentication

    Note: use docker-compose.prod.yml to start an LDAP service and use phpLDAPadmin to create an organizational unit (OU) for users

    • Go to Manage Jenkins > Security > Configure Global Security
    • Scroll down to Security Realm and select LDAP Server: ldap://ldap root DN: ou=users,dc=example,dc=org User search filter: uid={0} Manager DN: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org Manager Password: secret Display Name LDAP attribute: cn Email Address LDAP attribute: mail
    • Test LDAP Settings before saving
    • Save and Apply
  • Updating Jenkins
    • Open a terminal inside master

      docker-compose exec -u root master bash
    • Replace jenkins.war

      cd /usr/share/jenkins
      wget https://updates.jenkins.io/download/war/<NEW_VERSION>/jenkins.war -O jenkins.war
    • Prepare for shutdown, wait for all builds to stop and restart Jenkins




  • (Beyer et al., 2016) Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems
  • (Crispin & Gregory, 2014) Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams
  • (Davis & Daniels, 2016) Effective DevOps: Building a Culture of Collaboration, Affinity, and Tooling at Scale
  • (Forsgren, Humble & Kim, 2018) Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations
  • (Humble & Farley, 2010) Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
  • (Kim, Behr & Spafford, 2013) The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
  • (Kim et al., 2016) The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability & Security in Technology Organizations
  • (Kim, 2019) The Unicorn Project: A Novel about Developers, Digital Disruption, and Thriving in the Age of Data
  • (Laster, 2018) Jenkins 2 Up and Running: Evolve Your Deployment Pipeline for Next Generation Automation
  • (Leszko, 2017) Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins: Delivering software at scale
  • (Newman, 2015) Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems
  • (Smart, 2011) Jenkins The Definitive Guide: Continuous Integration for the Masses
  • (Whittaker, Arbon & Carollo, 2012) How Google Tests Software
  • (Winters, Manshreck & Wright, 2020) Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time


A short introduction to automation, CI/CD and DevOps


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