JBEI / foldy

Foldy: a web-based platform for interactive protein structure analysis

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hitting pdbseqres bug in feature computation

Jacoberts opened this issue · comments

Parse failed (sequence file /foldydbs/afdbs/pdb_seqres/pdb_seqres.txt):
Line 1366886: illegal character 0

Looks like this has been faced before and the consensus is that the DB needs to be filtered. Deepmind included this change in release v2.3.0:


# Keep only protein sequences.
grep --after-context=1 --no-group-separator '>.* mol:protein' "${ROOT_DIR}/pdb_seqres.txt" > "${ROOT_DIR}/pdb_seqres_filtered.txt"
mv "${ROOT_DIR}/pdb_seqres_filtered.txt" "${ROOT_DIR}/pdb_seqres.txt"

We should:
A) apply that filter on our DB
B) update our alphafold code

Done! And by updating AF version, this shouldn't happen to anyone else.