IvanRublev / Domo

A library to validate values of nested structs with their type spec t() and associated precondition functions

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mix test.coverage --export-coverage fails

zetaron opened this issue · comments


  • Elixir version (elixir -v): 1.13.3
  • Domo version (mix deps | grep domo | head -1): master
  • TypedStruct version (mix deps | grep typed_struct | head -1): N/A

Actual behavior

When exporting a test coverage report, the command seemingly fails due to missing *.TypeEnsurer Module Code.

domo/example_avialia on  master is 📦 v0.1.0 via 💧 v1.13.3 (OTP 24)
❯ mix test.coverage --export-coverage
 ... a lot of output ...

** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, {:no_source_code_found, ExampleAvialia.Boardings.Passenger.TypeEnsurer}}
    (mix 1.13.3) lib/mix/tasks/test.coverage.ex:290: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Tasks.Test.Coverage.html/2
    (elixir 1.13.3) lib/enum.ex:2396: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    (mix 1.13.3) lib/mix/tasks/test.coverage.ex:289: Mix.Tasks.Test.Coverage.html/2
    (mix 1.13.3) lib/mix/task.ex:397: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/3
    (mix 1.13.3) lib/mix/cli.ex:84: Mix.CLI.run_task/2

Full Log (click to expand)
domo/example_avialia on  master is 📦 v0.1.0 via 💧 v1.13.3 (OTP 24)
❯ mix test.coverage --export-coverage
warning: use Mix.Config is deprecated. Use the Config module instead

warning: use Mix.Config is deprecated. Use the Config module instead

13:24:13.899 [info]  The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :channel_handled_in]} is a local function.
This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in `telemetry:attach/4` documentation.


13:24:13.910 [info]  The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :channel_joined]} is a local function.
This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in `telemetry:attach/4` documentation.


13:24:13.910 [info]  The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :endpoint, :start]} is a local function.
This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in `telemetry:attach/4` documentation.


13:24:13.910 [info]  The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :endpoint, :stop]} is a local function.
This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in `telemetry:attach/4` documentation.


13:24:13.910 [info]  The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :error_rendered]} is a local function.
This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in `telemetry:attach/4` documentation.


13:24:13.910 [info]  The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :start]} is a local function.
This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in `telemetry:attach/4` documentation.


13:24:13.910 [info]  The function passed as a handler with ID {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :socket_connected]} is a local function.
This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling that handler. For more details see the note in `telemetry:attach/4` documentation.

Domo will treat the following types as any() globally: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t()
Domo is compiling type ensurer for 0 module (.ex)
Importing cover results: cover/html.coverdata

Percentage | Module
     0.00% | ExampleAvialia.Boardings.Passenger.TypeEnsurer
     0.00% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos.Measurement.TypeEnsurer
     0.00% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos.Shipment.TypeEnsurer
     0.00% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos.ShipmentDocument
     0.00% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos.ShipmentDocument.TypeEnsurer
     0.00% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos.ShipmentWeight
     0.00% | ExampleAvialia.DataCase
     0.00% | ExampleAvialia.SharedKernel
     0.00% | ExampleAvialiaWeb
     0.00% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.ChannelCase
     6.67% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos.Shipment
    16.67% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos.ShipmentKind
    20.00% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos
    20.00% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.ErrorHelpers
    25.00% | ExampleAvialia.Boardings.Passenger
    27.45% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.PageController
    33.33% | ExampleAvialia.Cargos.Measurement
    37.50% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.Router
    50.00% | ExampleAvialia.BoardingsRepo
    50.00% | ExampleAvialia.CargosRepo
    50.00% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.LayoutView
    50.00% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.PageView
    55.56% | ExampleAvialia.Boardings
    66.67% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.ErrorView
    75.00% | ExampleAvialia.Application
   100.00% | ExampleAvialia
   100.00% | ExampleAvialia.TaggedTupleEctoType
   100.00% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.ConnCase
   100.00% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.Endpoint
   100.00% | ExampleAvialiaWeb.Router.Helpers
    13.44% | Total

Coverage test failed, threshold not met:

    Coverage:   13.44%
    Threshold:  90.00%

** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, {:no_source_code_found, ExampleAvialia.Boardings.Passenger.TypeEnsurer}}
    (mix 1.13.3) lib/mix/tasks/test.coverage.ex:290: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Tasks.Test.Coverage.html/2
    (elixir 1.13.3) lib/enum.ex:2396: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    (mix 1.13.3) lib/mix/tasks/test.coverage.ex:289: Mix.Tasks.Test.Coverage.html/2
    (mix 1.13.3) lib/mix/task.ex:397: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/3
    (mix 1.13.3) lib/mix/cli.ex:84: Mix.CLI.run_task/2

Expected behavior

I'd expect the coverage export to not fail.

From the top of my head, I could imagine multiple ways to attempt a solution:

  • have the source code available to the coverage task
  • or to add the TypeEnsurer Modules to the ignore_modules List of the test_coverage config
  • or provide a Function to get a list of all the TypeEnsurer's to easily ignore them, maybe including an example as part of the setup guide

For now we are going to manually manage the ignore_modules List, which prevents the error but is an extra burden to remember for every Module we setup to use Domo.
If there is anything we can do to help implement a solution you think to be maintainable, we'd be happy to help out.

These modules are not covered by tests but are generated. So excluding them from analysis seems a good option.

Starting from Elixir v1.13 you can use regex in ignore_modules to exclude all TypeEnsurer modules like the following:

def project do
    test_coverage: [ignore_modules: [~r/\.TypeEnsurer$/]]

Does it solve your issue?

Great didn’t realize Regex are an option there.

Would you accept a PR to add a note about this somewhere within the installation instructions?

Thank you. No need for PR. I already added the info to the Readme.MD for the next release.