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Parallel Attention Network with Sequence Matching for Video Grounding (Findings of ACL 2021)

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Parallel Attention Network with Sequence Matching for Video Grounding

TensorFlow implementation for the paper "Parallel Attention Network with Sequence Matching for Video Grounding" (ACL 2021 Findings): ACL version, ArXiv version.



  • python3 with tensorflow (>=1.13.1, <=1.15.0), tqdm, nltk, numpy, cuda10 and cudnn


The visual features of Charades-STA, ActivityNet Captions and TACoS are available at Box Drive, download and place them under the ./data/features/ directory. Download the word embeddings from here and place it to ./data/features/ directory. Directory hierarchies are shown below:

    |____ ckpt/
    |____ data/
        |____ datasets/
        |____ features/
            |____ activitynet/
            |____ charades/
            |____ tacos/
            |____ glove.840B.300d.txt

Quick Start


# processed dataset will be automatically generated or loaded if exist
# set `--mode test` for evaluation
# train Charades-STA dataset
python main.py --task charades --max_pos_len 64 --char_dim 50 --mode train
# train ActivityNet Captions dataset
python main.py --task activitynet --max_pos_len 100 --char_dim 100 --mode train
# train TACoS dataset
python main.py --task tacos --max_pos_len 256 --char_dim 50 --mode train


# processed dataset will be automatically generated or loaded if exist
# set `--suffix xxx` to restore pre-trained parameters for evaluation
# where `xxx` denotes the name after the last `_` of the ckpt directory
# train Charades-STA dataset
python main.py --task charades --max_pos_len 64 --char_dim 50 --suffix xxx --mode test
# train ActivityNet Captions dataset
python main.py --task activitynet --max_pos_len 100 --char_dim 100 --suffix xxx --mode test
# train TACoS dataset
python main.py --task tacos --max_pos_len 256 --char_dim 50 --suffix xxx --mode test

You can also download the checkpoints for each task from here and save them to the ./ckpt/ directory. The corresponding processed dataset is available at here, download and save them to the ./datasets/ directory. More hyper-parameter settings are in the main.py.


If you feel this project helpful to your research, please cite our work.

    title = "Parallel Attention Network with Sequence Matching for Video Grounding",
    author = "Zhang, Hao  and Sun, Aixin  and Jing, Wei  and Zhen, Liangli  and Zhou, Joey Tianyi  and Goh, Siow Mong Rick",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021",
    month = aug,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2021.findings-acl.69",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.findings-acl.69",
    pages = "776--790",


Parallel Attention Network with Sequence Matching for Video Grounding (Findings of ACL 2021)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%