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`ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure` triggered

sourabhxyz opened this issue · comments


I am using loadFromFile for the attached UPLC program and seeing the following error:

Failed to deserialise our own program! This is a bug, please report it. Caused by: T
ooMuchSpace (0x0000000109d5abea,S {currPtr = 0x0000000109d56443, usedBits = 7})

UPLC program was generated using -fplugin-opt PlutusTx.Plugin:dump-uplc flag.

Please find attached the contract.txt file.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Already provided.

Actual Result

Already provided.

Expected Result

Should have correctly deserialised the serialised CompiledCode.

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info

Version: Sonoma 14.1.2
Plutus library version:

That file does indeed appear to be corrupt. It contains a tag saying that a constant is coming up: the constant should be preceded by some type information, but that's missing. Your file has presumably been generated from Haskell using the PlutusTx compiler, and it's very difficult to work out what's going on without seeing the Haskell code. Could you show us the Haskell, or perhaps try to construct some smaller example that gives the same behaviour?

Thanks for your reply @kwxm! I was able to obtain deserialised UPLC from the shared contract.txt file using the code mentioned here. However, when I tried to apply my argument, as mentioned here, I got a different script hash than what I had obtained if I had applied the argument to my initial CompiledCode (i.e., without serialising it and then deserialising it elsewhere).

Since the deserialization is working, we can continue the discussion of the script hash issue in #5331.